Delivering Sustainable
Water Treatment
we're a water treatment organisation, our merchandise dispose of toxic organic chemical substances from commercial wastewater to under trace levels.Learn more about our industrial wastewater treatment technology right here.
Water Purification and Desalination Plants
Nowadays, environmental engineering and nanotechnology are making significant progress in realising their potential and becoming more free because to advances in water purification, industrial wastewater treatment, and futuristic thinking.
Wastewater Treatment Plants
The main purpose of wastewater treatment is to remove as much suspended solids as possible before the rest of the water, or sewage, returns to the environment.
Swimming Pool Chemicals
Water disinfection is one of the most important treatments in all types of swimming pools, both public and private. Effective water disinfection is essential in swimming pools.
Who We Are?
About Us
Committed to delivering high quality of products and services, providing excellent water treatment solutions incorporating modern technology.
Our industry is very sensitive to innovations and world new technologies therefore we proactive in all water related events and conferences.
What sets us apart from the rest is that we understand what customer need and provide the best products, advice and solutions that would help improve their business. With the competition getting tougher with every passing day and increasing demand for quality and time-lines, we will provide best services.
Water Treatment
Our Services
Dedicated to the matter. chemical-free, clean recycled water.
Technochem Group
Why do we do it
Our greatest reward is in Delighting our Customer – spurring mutual business growth.What sets us apart from the rest is that we understand what customer need and provide the best products, advice and solutions that would help improve their business.
Our Products
Wastewater Treatment Plants
Double Pass Sea water RO Units
Water Softening System
Grey Water Treatment & Recycling
Sewerage Equipment
Flow Meter
pH Meter
Conductivity Meter
ORP Meter
Water Reading Meter
Gas Chromatography
Atomic Absorption (AAS)
Digital water baths
Let's Discuss Your Problem
With the competition getting tougher with every passing day and increasing demand for quality and time-lines, we will provide best solution.