Swimming Pool Chemicals

Water Treatment

Swimming Pool Chemicals

Depending on the pool, one or more of the following operations may be part of the overall processing system. Swimming pools should be equipped with a circulation system consisting of at least pumps, filters, connecting pipes, fittings, valves, disinfection devices and the necessary pipe connections to the inlet and outlet.

What does Swimming Pool Chemicals do?

Water disinfection is one of the most important treatments in all types of swimming pools, both public and private. Effective water disinfection is essential in swimming pools. Most public facilities must follow strict water disinfection standards and practices to ensure the safety of swimming water. The correct balance of water chemistry produces water that does not damage pool components or irritate swimmers. Then care must be taken to disinfect the water to prevent the spread of pathogens from one person to another and the unwanted growth of bacteria and algae in the pool.

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